Homily: Fathering Jesus of Nazareth

“I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father’s protection.” These are the words of a man, with whom I have had the pleasure of both abhorring and adoring at the same time in my study of psychology. The great, irritatingly brilliant, Sigmund Freud. He has numerous phallic propositions—most […]

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Holy Tuesday Notes: ON FAITH AND JUSTICE

If prayer is the first expression of human spirituality, because of his/her innate inclination towards the Divine, then Faith is born through this expression of human nature. Faith is both personal and communal. It is both experiential and intellectual (doctrinal). But nonetheless it depends on the person’s or the community’s unique identification and contextualization of the Divine. How a person or community relate to the Higher Power that is God. […]

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