#6 Christmas 2012 Reflection: Recruited for a Mission

Gospel Reading: Luke 1: 39-45 Today’s Gospel features the meeting of two women. Specifically, two pregnant women. Elizabeth was too old and was probably waiting for her time to die when she received news that she was pregnant.  In this particular meeting, she was 6 months on the way and just came out of her […]

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#5 Christmas 2012 Reflection: Being Angels

Gospel Reading: Luke 1: 26 – 38 Five days before Christmas. Every year’s the same for me: work, work, work. Christmas day? Still at work. But being part of MCC makes me feel closer to HIM and I know now that GOD wants us to understand why Jesus was born: LOVE. Five years in MCC […]

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#3 Christmas 2012 Reflection: Joseph, the Adoptive Father

Gospel Reading: Matthew 1: 18-25 In today’s Gospel, Joseph takes the center stage. Usually Papa Joseph is mentioned in the sidelines of our celebration of Jesus’ birth. Minsan para lang siyang alalay na inuutusan to go here and there, to do this and that for Mary and Jesus. It is understandable since we have very […]

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#2 Christmas 2012 Reflection: Of Family Trees and Histories

Gospel Reading: Matthew 1: 1-17 During my elementary days, one of the projects I remember doing was a family tree. Literally drawing a tree on a cardboard, we were instructed to post 1×1 photos of our loved ones arranged from roots to fruits. Mine was a rather short tree because I didn’t really have much […]

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#1 Christmas 2012 Reflection: What can I do?

Gospel Reading: Luke 3: 7-18 In the Gospel today, we read that the people asked John the Baptist, “What should we do?”. I think the more important thing to do is to ask ourselves, WHAT CAN I DO?  We ask our hearts what we, as humans and as Christians, can contribute in order to bring greater […]

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