Readings: Luke 2: 1-20; Matthew 2: 1-12 When I read the two, almost mutually exclusive accounts of Christmas Eve and day, in Luke 2 and Matthew 2, it seems to me I see a widening circle of care, justice and hope. It is interesting to me that for millennia, we have combined the two accounts in our […]
#7 Christmas 2013: Hope in Full Circle
“Un caminar de rio que se curva, avanza, retrocede, da un rodeo y llega siempre.”—A course of a river that turns, moves on, doubles back and comes full circle, forever arriving.(Octavio Paz) This is my second Christmas as a full-time church worker and full-time student. So one would presume that I have template “hope amidst […]
#6 Christmas 2013: The Gift of Jesus’ Humanity and Vulnerability
Most of us grew up with Christmas celebrations filled with abundance and merriment: glittering Christmas decor; feasting and reunions on the eve and on Christmas day; lavish gifts which may even surpass our wish-lists; a liturgical mass made more touching and joyful by children dressed as Mary and Joseph, shepherds and wise men, and even […]
#5 Christmas 2013: Escape to Egypt
Matthew 2:13-14 narrates, “When they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. “Get up,” he said, “take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him.” So he got up, took […]
#4 Christmas 2013: Rejoicing in the Demise of A Hope
When I was asked to write my reflection about this year’s theme, Finding Hope In Christmas, I thought I might as well get to know this word “hope” in however it would want me to know it. I wanted to know when does one start to hope? How does one distinguish this from a wish […]