We know there is some connection between prayer and silence, but if we think about silence in our lives, it seems that it isn’t always peaceful – silence can also be frightening. Just as there are two nights, there are two silences: one is frightening, the other peaceful. For many silence is threatening. They don’t […]
God Brings Us The Test
Praying is no easy matter. It demands a relationship in which you allow someone other than yourself to enter into the very center of your person, to see there what you would rather leave untouched. The resistance to praying is like the resistance of a tightly clenched fists. This image, shows a tension, a desire […]
Memorial of Saint Felicitas and Saint Perpetua
March 7 is the memorial for Saints Felicitas and Perpetua. These two women from northern Africa were Christian martyrs in the early 3rd century during the reign of the Roman Emperor Severus. We know their story from no less than the hand written journal of Perpetua herself copies of which circulated with great popularity in […]
With Open Hands
Do you still pray? How often? Do LGBTQI+ people pray? Does God listen to queer folks and do queer people listen to God? Why do you pray? What do you pray for? Or perhaps you’re struggling with praying or doubt its purpose and use? Or maybe you no longer believe in prayer and consequently no […]
Love Is Not Just Romance
February is love month in the Philippines because of Valentines’ Day. Like Christmas it is a very popular, highly celebrated (and commercialized) “holiday”. The primary focus is on romantic love (eros) and the grand gestures of romantic love; Whenever we talk about love it is hyper focused on romance when in fact it is so […]