Honoring the 30th Anniversary of the 1994 Pride

A Pride Story in the Philippines: Despite differing historical and narrative interpretations, there is a near consensus that the Pride movement in the Philippines intentionally began in the first half of the 1990s. Pride and the LGBTQIA+ movement in the Philippines were almost nonexistent prior to the early 1990s. That is not to say that […]

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Wherever You Will Go for Pride: Pastoral letter for 2023 Pride

Saan man kayo pupunta ngayong darating na Sabado – Circuit, Makati or QC Circle – ang mahalagang alalahanin at iukit sa puso ay yung tunay na ugat at diwa ng Pride, Ang pride ay Protesta at Pakikibaka: Protesta sa diskriminasyon at opresyon; pakikibaka para sa katarungan at pantay na karapatan para sa lahat. Sa pag-uugat […]

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#SulongVAKLASH: Holy Equality – Sexuality & The Bible (Unclobbering Sodom & Gomorrah)

Conservatives often use the biblical story of Sodom and Gomorrah as justification for their homophobia. In this webinar, we will debunk the idea that homosexuality is a sin according to the bible (it’s NOT), and we will analyze what the story of Sodom and Gomorrah is really about. Note: the video presentation from this webinar […]

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#SulongVAKLASH: Holy Equality – SOGIESC and Beyond – Part 2 – SOGIESC Discussion

What is Sexual Orientation? Gender Identity? Gender Expression? Sex characteristics? What does it mean for the LGBTQIA+ movement? As a western concept, how does it overlap on our Filipino culture? What does it mean, and how can it enrich our faith and spirituality? Part 2 – Discussion on SOGIESC Speakers for this discussion are: Naomi […]

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#SulongVAKLASH: Holy Equality – SOGIESC and Beyond – Part 1 – SOGIESC101

What is Sexual Orientation? Gender Identity? Gender Expression? Sex characteristics? What does it mean for the LGBTQIA+ movement? As a western concept, how does it overlap on our Filipino culture? What does it mean, and how can it enrich our faith and spirituality? Part 1 – SOGIESC101 Sean Malang, the Advocacy Officer of Open Table […]

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